Loco Klub is an inclusive underground arts venue.
We believe in equality and diversity and strive to see that reflected in the community of artists, crew, promoters and guests who co-create this space. We aim for an environment where everyone can be themselves without judgement, and self-expression is encouraged, as long as it does not negatively impact the experience of others.
All who respect the values of our venue are welcome.
This is a safer space for marginalised communities, and specifically for the queer community given many of our staff self-define as LGBTQIA+. Ignorance is not an excuse. We won’t accept any homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, ageist or any other discriminatory behaviour or comments. Please don’t assume anyone’s gender, always ask for pronouns. Avoid asking personal questions unless you are in a close friendship with the person you are talking to. We expect everyone to be respectful, and to help raise awareness among others.
We foster a culture of consent. We ask people always to ensure others are comfortable with their behaviour towards them. No means no. Without consent, it’s abuse. Please report harassment! Find our team, you will be taken seriously. All our venue managers are trained to respond to harassment with calmness, confidence and courage. Individuals who do not respect other people’s boundaries will be removed and told why to inform future behaviour.
We encourage our community to take responsibility for the quality of their experience and to look after themselves and each other. Hedonism is a part of nightlife culture, but abuse of any substance can ruin a good night out and be dangerous for yourself and others. Our staff are trained in a duty of care, rather than a zero-tolerance policy, so please feel free to approach them and be open if you or a member of your group are feeling unwell.
Our sia company is female-led to help deliver the least intrusive and most comfortable experience at our club, enabling people to perceive security as trustworthy allies. Queer events will have specifically trained security, often queer themselves.
We foster a club culture based on mindfulness, presence, and connectedness. Whilst phones are allowed at the venue, we encourage you to enjoy your night out without being on the screen. In line with this, and out of choice, no public wi-fi is provided at the venue, 4g also stops working after the first bar tunnel.
Photography is forbidden for all club events. This ensures respect for privacy on our dancefloor and also contributes to a more connected club culture.
Our front-of-house team will put stickers on your cameras as an additional reminder. Professional photographers might be around but they would have been instructed to avoid shooting recognisable faces or to obtain consent from each subject beforehand in case they wish to take portrait shots. For cabaret, live gigs, private parties, and theatre performances photography may be allowed.
This is an ongoing process, and we are committed to taking feedback on board.
Tell us what we can do to make things better at venuemanager@locobristol.com or message us on IG @locoklub